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Satisfaction Guarantee

The is a reasons why Bali Florist Shop are Bali’s #1 delivery florist;

  • We are in business with the best flower wholesalers not just in Bali, and on Java, but the world over. We have excellent relationships with our suppliers too meaning that we are always offered the best product. If it’s good for us, then it’s good for you    

  • When we take delivery of flowers we have a very efficient way of preserving the life of our flowers unlike any other florist in Bali. This means of course that flowers last longer and are much more vibrant

  • We get the job done and do whatever it takes to get your flowers delivered to your loved one or friend

With that in mind we guarantee satisfaction and your happiness provided that you follow one simple suggestion: When the flowers are delivered, give them some love, and get them into a vase with water as soon as possible.


Okay, so we realise this is a stretch and would mean a little fiddling around, but if you want the flowers you send to last please advise the person you are giving the flowers to, or perhaps the resort manager, to take the flowers out of the water daily and cut the stems to around four centimeters a day. Doing this will mean the flowers lasting to an extra four days.

If you are unhappy with the quality of the flowers that were delivered please get in contact with Bali Florist Shop immediately and we will investigate the reasons why and work with your on a happy solution. You can either email us, call us, or simply click on the 'live chat' button on the bottom right of your screen.